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Xinhua think tank report highlights Chinese solutions to global challenges
With its rapid development and growing international influence, China has been increasingly engaging in global affairs, offering Chinese solutions to global challenges such as poverty and climate change in both concept and action, said a Xinhua think tank report released on Tuesday.
China Focus: Think tank report urges closer partnership for new fruits of Belt and Road cooperation
A think tank report released on Tuesday calls on Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) partner countries to join hands and tap into new opportunities for Belt and Road cooperation in the future.
Think tank report on synergization of civilizations published
A think tank report on the synergization of civilizations was unveiled on Wednesday in Guangzhou, the capital city of south China's Guangdong Province.
Think tank report on achievements, contributions of China's reform published
A think tank report on the achievements and global contributions of China's reform endeavors in the new era was unveiled at a forum held Tuesday in Beijing.
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